Die jüngerlinearbandkeramische Grabenanlage von Großrußbach-Weinsteig in Niederösterreich - das größte Erdwerk der Linearbandkeramik


By combining all available aerial photographs with magnetic survey data, it was possible to define the layout of the enclosed Early Neolithic Linear Pottery Culture settlement at Großrußbach-Weinsteig, Lower Austria. This enclosure has a NW-SE orientation, is roughly reetangular in shape, and is currently the largest enclosed settlement known from this period in Europe. It is 700 m long, 255 m wide at the northwesterly end, 300 m wide at the southeasterly end, and reaches a maximum width of 330 m in the middle. The enclosed area totals 21.5 hectares, but the Early Neolithic settlement in its entirety probably extended over an area of approximately 35 hectares. Of this, an area of 7.11 hectares has been surveyed magnetically. There is an urgent need to complete the magnetic survey in view of the ongoing erosion of the site, and there is a similarly pressing need to excavate as much as possible.

Preistoria Alpina