2021 | Heldenberg – Steinzeitdorf & Kreisgrabenmuseum

Heldenberg – Steinzeitdorf & Kreisgrabenmuseum

The Heldenberg is a popular tourist attraction in the Weinviertel of Lower Austria. As the venue of the Lower Austrian Provincial Exhibition 2005 “Bread and Wine”, a “Kreisgrabenmuseum” was installed under the direction of Prof. Wolfgang Neubauer and a Middle Neolithic circular ditch and houses were reconstructed by an experimental archaeological team from the University of Vienna in the open-air area. Related to the preparation of this exhibition Wolfgang Neubauer directed scientific research projects on the virtual reconstruction and simulation of the astronomical aspects of this oldest European Monuments and acted as field director for the systematic prospection of all Austrian monuments.

In 2021, the refurbishment of the open-air museum and an upgrading of the permanent exhibition in the Kreisgrabenmuseum (integration of virtual and augmented reality applications) was started in cooperation with the Heldenberg museum. In the archaeological open-air area of the museum, the outer palisade circle of the Middle Neolithic ditch was redesigned.



  • Daim, Falko; Neubauer, Wolfgang (Hg.) (2005): Zeitreise Heldenberg. Geheimnisvolle Kreisgräben. Niederösterreichische Landesausstellung 2005. Horn - Wien: Berger (Katalog des NÖ Landesmuseum NF, 459).

  • Melichar, Peter; Neubauer, Wolfgang (Hg.) (2010): Mittelneolithische Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich. Geophysikalisch-archäologische Prospektion - ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission, 71).

Wolfgang Neubauer
Wolfgang Neubauer
Professor of Archaeology

My research interests include Archaeological Stratigraphy, Geophysical Prospection and 3D Laser Scanning.